Moa Katarina Nilsson

Photo shoot and other things
After recieving a request to start blogging in english - I've decided to give it a go. 
We've still not recieved any broadband for the flat so I'm once again at starbucks with a café latte borrowing some wifi. Before coming here I had to run past Armstrong's Vintage Shop and buy a corset which is tried on the other day but didn't get. This time I made the right choice though and bought it! I'll show you pictures later - would perhaps seem a little silly to change into an emerald and black lace corset in the middle of Starbucks? 
And just a little reminder so you remember to appreciate the small things in life: look what I found the other day in the street. Just seemed magical somehow, finding a star in the middle of the street on a wonderful and chilly autumn day. 
Yesterday I did a photoshoot with a Swedish photographer who contacted me before I moved to Edinburgh, asking if I'd help her out with a photo project. She needed a dancer to shoot pictures both in a studio and outdoors as well. So of course I wanted to help out and yesterday we did the first (of hopefully many) shoots outside in The Meadows. Here's a sneakpeak of the pictures and I'll show you more as soon as I recieve them.
Edinburgh is beautiful in the fall, but I can't help missing London an awful lot right now. I really think I'll be happy in Edinburgh for these three years but my big city love is still ma chére vielle Londres. But who knows where I'll end up after this. Paris do seem lovley too...
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